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6 Benefits of Document Scanning and Indexing

Frequently Asked Questions Digital Mailroom Outsourcing

Modern-day businesses generate a tremendous amount of paperwork. Invoices, employee files, and health records are just a few of the many types of documents that often require long-term storage.

Maintaining a large repository can lead to many challenges, such as missing or physically damaged files and privacy issues. Your business may also be wasting valuable time and money by storing physical documents. In short, it is an inefficient way of operating.

This is why many companies and organizations are beginning to realize the importance of indexing and scanning their physical documents. Read on to learn the six benefits of document indexing and scanning and find out how you can get started.

What is Document Scanning and Indexing?

Document scanning involves taking physical files and documents and preparing them to be converted into electronic and digital formats. Scanners digitize the paper document into a PDF or TIFF file then use a combination of artificial intelligence (AI), optical character recognition (OCR) to identify critical  information.  This is known as  indexing that  organizes your documents in a highly specific way. Employees can now efficiently search through and quickly locate detailed information by specific criteria such as name, date of birth or student ID number..

Preparing large quantities of paper documents to be scanned and indexed can be an overwhelming process. For this reason, some businesses turn to third-party providers like ILM to help ensure document management and digitization go smoothly.

As Federal and State governments seek to modernize and cut costs, they’re requiring all offices and contractors to digitize their files. Such laws as the NARA M-19-21 Mandate require a transition to electronic records by December 31st, 2022. Professional document indexing and scanning services are a cost-effective and efficient way of getting in compliance.

6 Benefits of Document Scanning and Indexing:

Indexing and scanning your information flow offers a wide range of benefits for businesses and organizations that are looking to cut costs and improve efficiencies:

1. Allows for easier and faster collaboration

Internal departments can benefit significantly from an indexing system as it allows for information to be quickly search and retrieved using indexed fields or  full-text. You can even password-protect sensitive information or apply various levels of account-based viewing privileges.  Information is processed more quickly when it is easily found and securely shared.

2. Saves time

Combing through Banker’s Boxes or file cabinets takes a very long time. It can slow down information retrieval and document retrieval to a crawl. Employees have to put in a request and wait for someone to perform the search manually. With document indexing, an easy-to-use search bar will enable anyone to retrieve information quickly.

3. Simplifies audit compliance 

Audits are often time-consuming and costly, especially when you are dealing with physical document storage. Having your information scanned and indexed will make the process go much smoother and faster.

4. Reduces physical storage space

Physical files and documents take up an enormous amount of space when physically stored. Digitized documents only require virtual storage space, which can be purchased easily and cheaply.

5. Increases safety and security

In terms of information security, it’s challenging, if not impossible, to keep unauthorized eyes from viewing sensitive information. Indexing and scanning can allow for account-based privileges so each employee can only access the information they require to perform their job duties.

Physical documents can also present several safety concerns. Over time, they can get damaged due to fires, floods, or even the humidity in the air. Inks on the paper can run, and rips or tears can occur. If an employee accidentally misfiles a document, it can take days, weeks, or even months to track it down.

6. Uses fewer natural resources

Paper files and documents put a tremendous strain on the limited natural resources of our planet. Digitizing and indexing your files is a vital step in “going green.” This means your business or organization is doing its part to help improve our world for future generations.

Scanning and Indexing Your Mail

Once your business has digitized your old paper records, you might want to consider a Digital Mailroom service to scan and index your incoming mail. Many industries receive large volumes of paper mail, emails and faxes every day. You need dedicated personnel to sort through it and forward items to the correct department. This process often slows response times for customer queries.

The solution is simple. You can outsource your incoming mail to a Digital Mailroom service and receive all your physical correspondence in well-organized files. Your digital files are then stored securely offsite. This saves your business time, money, and space.

Cost-Effective Document Indexing and Scanning Services

The importance of indexing and scanning your documents electronically cannot be understated. It is safer, more convenient, and better for the planet than keeping printed documents in boxes. When it comes time to scan and index your documents, an experienced partner such as ILM can help make the entire process easier and more affordable than performing it in-house.

We have over four decades of experience working with businesses of all sizes, including State and Federal governmental organizations. ILM has a proven track record in document conversion, data entry, and information management services. Our experts will help ensure your business has a successful and satisfactory scanning and indexing process.

Learn More About Document Indexing Services

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