Scanning student records results in instant access

School districts, colleges and universities are required to securely store and maintain student records such as counseling and financial aid forms. By scanning student records affords rapid access and the ability to confidentially share student files. It’s more than a luxury in today’s electronic world. It’s a necessity.

Electronic records reduces risk of loss and destruction while saving valuable space.

Securely store, organize, search and retrieve and confidentially share student records.

Track, update and audit student records and massively save staff time in the process.

Do you struggle with:

  • Digitizing all of the different kinds of paper folders, document and paper types, and microfilm records into a PDF format?
  • Searching, finding and retrieving the exact student records and financial aid files?
  • The ability to securely share information with fellow employees and outside organizations?
  • Easily storing your important information takes up to much space and worried that it may be lost or destroyed?

Valued Clients

Scanning, Indexing and Document Management

Digitization & Standardization

ILM can digitize all of the student documents such as applications, grades, transcripts, financial aid forms, and letters of recommendations into an easily stored and indexed digital file such as PDF.

Search and Retrieval

Indexing student records by identifiable student fields and document type makes updating, storing, finding and sharing into a few mouse clicks.

Document Management

Long term records retention with the necessary auditing, security and safety protocols so your team can activate student records. ILM’s cloud hosted document management system is easy to use and simple to deploy.

We get it – Trust and Experience Matters

How it Works


ILM can pack and box your student records then transport to our secure facility.

Digitization & Data Capture

Documents and prepped for scanning by removing fasteners, then scanning to PDF. Data extraction of important metadata fields such as names, dates, addresses, and student ID numbers can also be achieved.

Deliver Usable Data

After quality control, digital files can be delivered for upload via encrypted SFTP or to our cloud hosted document management system.

Our Process

We simplify the process of digitizing your documents and automating your workflow so you can make decisions and take action. In as little as a few weeks, we will understand your project, begin collecting and processing your documents. All of this set up in a customized process for your project to manage exception processing while ensuring the highest quality. Freeing you up to focus on your mission, applicants and claims.

Additional Resources

What is Digital Imaging?

Digital imaging is the process of converting physical documents into an electronic image file, such as a PDF, BMP, TIFF or JPEG. Many businesses ...
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Advantages of an Electronic File Management System

With today’s technologies, an electronic file management system is an excellent option for a variety of businesses across a number of different industries. Medical ...
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The Importance of Banking & Financial Services Document Management

Financial institutions are heavily regulated. In order to substantiate each transaction, a tremendous amount of documentation is required. All of this information must be ...
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